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Student Services

Attitude Development

"It's attitude and not aptitude that decides one's altitude in an organisation"

Even though this is a well established fact, no curriculum in any management institute has attitude development as a subject.The rationale given is that the attitude is developed by the student during the process of the course - the key words being "developed by the student".

Most of the times students are left on their own to form their attitude without any guidance or even knowledge for that matter and this is more true in today's world of the information overloads and work overloads. The result is that a majority of students possess the knowledge skills and maybe even the interpersonal skills but they usually do not have the right attitude. Its akin to having skills sets but not knowing where and when to use them.

The right attitude is increasingly becoming a key factor in the professional success of any individual in the corporate world.

Professional Metamorphosis facilitates the student to form the requisite attitudes required for the specific industry and thus equips them to maximise their potential to the fullest in a professional environment.by offering an "Attitude Development Workshop" designed to teach the student the necessary 'attitude' for success in their chosen fields.This would arm the student with the "attitude" and the "aptitude" for success for an entire lifetime in the difficult professional environment of today.

Needless to say that Professional Metamorphosis is committed to customising this workshop to suit individual institutions and students.

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